MindLeaf understands the challenges you face and we're here to help you overcome them.

Your core mission of caring for patients gets more complicated every day. Demands for cost reduction, increased documentation, more stringent regulatory demands, and the need for risk management can quickly consume your in-house resources.

Since 1993, we have been helping hospitals, clinics, healthcare facilities, clearinghouse and payer organizations with medical and compliance support services. Our nearly 300 member team of professionals provides compliance and revenue cycle solutions to healthcare organizations nationwide.

At MindLeaf, we believe medical administration and compliance services should be seamlessly integrated into healthcare organizations and not be a barrier to providing quality care outcomes. Our unwavering commitment is to provide rigorous, proven methodologies designed to optimize your revenue cycle, keep your organization in compliance and reduce physician burnout.

We promise to:

Accreditations & Memberships

ISO 9001:2026
Click to see the certificate
(Click to see the current certificate)

Military Spouse Employment Partnership
MindLeaf joins the Military Spouse Employment Partnership.

Achievements to Date

  • 2007-2012 & 2018 INC 500/5000
    (Fastest Growing Companies)

  • 2009-2011 Boston Business Journal – Fast 50